If there is any one thing that can help you solve a thousand problems in your life, and give meaning and purpose to your existence, it is the capacity to discern the voice of God.  Discerning, one must observe, is much more than hearing.  It implies the ability to distinguish, perceive, filter, and identify what God is saying.  It therefore follows that one does not hear God’s voice casually or negligently.  You have got to be intentional and deliberate about hearing Him. See what Hab 2:1 (NCV) says:

“I will stand like a guard to watch and place myself at the tower. I will wait and see what He will say to me; I will wait to learn how God will answer my complaints.”

Living Word Chapel

13833 Richmond Ave @ Hwy 6
Houston, TX 77082


Service Times

Wednesday Bible Study - 7pm

Sunday Worship Service - 9am & 11am

Copyright © 2020 Living Word Chapel.
All Rights Reserved.